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Prof : Abdul Hameed Baqavi


Principal Message

knowledge  is essential one  for the progress of human kind   and cultural prosperity. Islam gives authoritative Stateliness  and dignity for the knowledge.At the time of prophet Muhammed (pbuh) itself knowledge get noble position in Islamic concepts. Through that first group of Islamic disciple Ahlussuffa were generated.  The Sahaba made keen attention  to keep the nobility of education secured after the prophet  and transmit to others. After wards the thabih and thabahu thabeiheen took up that chandlier of knowledge and they exhibit the light of real education to the world 

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Featured Courses

There is a broad course of 9 years, where different books of various branches are learned and those who complete the 9 years are awarded the degree of Fazil Baqavi

Quraan & Hadees

Usulul Hadees

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Fiqh & Usoolul Fiqh

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نوٹ:طالب علم کے لئے ضروری ہے کہ اپنے سابق مدرسہ سے تصیدق نامہ یا سالانہ امتحان کے نتائج اپنے ساتھ لائے